lets reveal your story together.
Its true. the days are fleeting and our memories are fading. We would all like to think we will remember every single laughter, grin, cry, etc. but the truth is- we won’t. If you are like me, after tucking the littles to bed, you scroll through the million iphone pictures you have and stop to ask yourself “when was the last time I was in a photo with my child/children?”
Yes, photography is an investment and a luxury, but it is also a necessity. The investment is worth the sacrifice. it is worth it to have a way to capture our here and now, to have memories to look back on, and to have images to pass down for generations to come. Those laughters, crys, grins, etc. are not just sweet memories, they are YOUR memories.
E M B R A C E T H E L O V E . .
C H E R I S H T H E M O M E N T . . .